[D-G] University program on Brexit and Yellow Jacket (about << multiplicities in rhetoric>>)

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 11:51:45 PST 2018

i wonder if after WWII Europe gradually chose to avoid the kind of
destruction and exhaustion
of a continent with so much wealth fragmented into thirty nations and three
or four conglomerates.

it has gathered into a single block as UE, severed by a few buffer zones
like Moldavia, Bielorussia and Ukrain, from the Russia

then it collected its energy differently (due) to the Internet
in 2005 France and Holland voted <<no>> to UE Constitution.
the antagonism with Islam has been defining factor within the rural and
elite opinions since the start of the Millenium.
this was enough for certain elite to organize countries around issues
related to the given transversal opinions.
so happened Brexit referendum. It was observed how Internets developed
differently in the Anglo-Saxon world,
more united across the Oceans, than a more language centric Internet, for
example in France. as a result of a language
less spreading and more self-controlled France has a more national culture
Internet. I am sure whatever happens on the personal
level between Theresa May and Donald Trump, if there is Brexit, Britain
future "national interest" stands protected by the USA Cultural Umbrella.
Canada is bi-lingual. But there seems to be a kind of barrier between the
"globish English" of the european elites, and the alt-light yellow jackets
of the anglo-saxon world. just today it was announced Reuven Rivlin did not
welcome Salvini in Israel. It might be nice indeed if at least between
alt-light yellow jackets
of the european Continent, there was some Common Language, i wonder what
shall keep the Continent together, what shall remain of Europe in a few
(next elections in 2019 May) what shall prevent Conflicts to spread between
all these new Nations ? Because there has been a unified Europe, which has
partly modified
the definition of Britain, (hence the difficulty to see clear, also the
difficult choice for Britain to wave good bye to Northern Ireland Unionists)
I wonder if the antagonism with Islam will be enough to prevent Conflicts
between Nations in Europe? Maybe with the social faith, the pro-migrant
will forget atheism and blend with
the alt-light in a religious revival? Yet the Centers of the european
civilisation, like Paris, London, Marseilles, Leuven or Amsterdam etc, have
in reason of the creation of Universities, of the flourishing of the
intellect and the arts. If they don't want to precisely fall in the bad
habits which doomed the Islamic
culture since Avicenna, Averroes knowledge went to the North via Dante,
Tomas Aquinas etc. If they don't want to be doomed the Centers must remain
liberal, egalitarian.
I think it's high time they demand a reformed Islam, that they actually
help themselves with insight into standing up on the Cities level, to the
egalitarian assistance
to those of Muslim faith to adapt their culture to the XXI century. That's
why I don't think it is enough of Trump or Putin to be friend with Mohamed
bin Salman.
Europe ought to consider, in case it closes its border with the South, to
let them open to those in the South who show a will to reform their culture
in a libertarian
and egalitarian modern society. It will be vital if they ex-UE want to
remain in the Center of affairs, because that's part of the idea i guess.
Now, besides for the article in townhall that you mention, it is perfectly
possible, and many British citizen live now in the South of France.


Le mer. 12 déc. 2018 à 19:30, Mike Lansing <badger2 at mail2world.com> a
écrit :

> Dead List News 12 Dec 2018
> 10 Dec 2018 Americans, Learn from the Yellow Jackets: Stop Running and
> Start Fighting Back
> https://townhall.com/columnists/arthurschaper/2018/12/10/americans-learn
> -from-the-yellowjackets-stop-running-and-start-fighting-back-n2537215
> <https://townhall.com/columnists/arthurschaper/2018/12/10/americans-learn-from-the-yellowjackets-stop-running-and-start-fighting-back-n2537215>
> 17 Jan 2017 Slavoj Zizek on Trump and Brexit -- BBC News
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZUCemb2plE
> 12 Dec 2018 Theresa May: Change in Leadership Could Delay Brexit
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fap9M9rE8Lw

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