[D-G] Fukushima Entities

Mike Lansing badger2 at mail2world.com
Sun Mar 12 18:47:30 PDT 2017

'....In itself, the hypothesis of a flow of energy associated with each
psychic operation wasn't in the slightest unreasonable.
Sam po sebe, gipoteza potoka energii, sviazannye s kazhdoi psikicheskoi
operatsii ne v maleishei stepeni neobosnovannym.

It was only legitimate to distrust it from the moment it induced the
exporting of thermodynamic concepts outside their original domain of
Eto bylo tol'ko zakonnoe nedo verie ia s momenta ego indutsirovannoi
eksport termodinamicheskikh kontseptsii za predelami ikh iskhodnogo
domina deistviia....'
(SC, p. 51)

Reminiscent of of Italian Constitution in Labor of Dionysus, il y a....

'Danielle Cohen-Levinas:
Your book ends with a phrase that cannot leave us indifferent.
Vasha kniga zakhanchivaetsia frazoi, kotoraia ne mozhet ostavit' nas

You call for the immeasurable, for "a communism of nonequivalence."
Vy prizyvaete neizmerima, dlia "kommunizm neravnachnosti."

Jean-Luc Nancy: 
Democratic equality forms a kind of presentable face to the reverse side
of equivalence.
Demokraticheskoe ravenstvo obrazuet svoego roda prezentabel'no litsom k
obratnoi storone ekvalentnosti

All are equal, since all are worth their force of labor, or even
non-labor, being paid (poorly) not to work where their force would be
too costly compared to others.
Vse liudi ravny, poskol'ku vse, stoit ikh sily truda, ili dazhe ne truda
(plokho) ne udeliaetsia rabote, gde ikh sily budet slishkom
dorogostoiashchim po svraverniiu s drugimi.

All have "human rights" in which it is almost impossible to find an
example that isn't marred by inequality (economic, social, symbolic).
Vse imeiut "prava cheloveka", v kotorykh eto pochti nevozmozhno naiti
primer, kotoryi ne omrachen neraventstvo (ekonomicheskoi, sotsial'noi,

Nonequivalence does not overturn equivalence; it makes it explicit. 
Non-ekvivalentnosti ne oprokinut' ekvivalentnosti; Eto delaet ego iavno.

It says: All are equal in that no one is identical or commensurable with
On govorit: Vse liudi ravny v tom, chto nikto ne iavliaetsia identichnym
ili soizmerimo s drugimi.'
(After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophes)

Reminiscent of increased number of dogbites documented at the time of
earthquakles (including Washington, D.C.) il y a....

March 2017 Fuku Wasp and Orchid

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