[D-G] Freud and an Oedipus Complex

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 04:15:45 PST 2017

Holà Mike.
Found p54of french Cart.Schiz. your englishp37.
related for architecture, and wall refurbishing and construction generally
                the extract, as written
in the list yesterday looked (to me) like a
condensé of Ed.Said Orientalism.yet i also browsed in the book,
and found, p96 (about [gr.lettr.]Phi as a category of exo-reference.)
(...)Les mémoires elles-mêmes ne sont pas de simples enregistrements
passifs. Toutes les
mémoires sont des machines. Toutes les machines sont des mémoires. (...et
seq.?: about les plus-values potentielles..)-

(((memories themselves are no mere passive records. all memories are
machines,, all machines are memories ))))
Guattari's p54 CartSchz extract can be read as self-Guattari-referent. (not
both the destructive, and the mimetic components.
relation in architecture with new molecular révolutions seen p55 (end of
§)& role of cartography in architecture.

i take a day off tomorrow (go see a movie show in Barcelona)
so can't warrant regularity on list, but will try if there's wii-Phi.


2017-02-25 20:24 GMT+01:00 Mike Lansing <badger2 at mail2world.com>:

> The adoption to absurdity is exemplified in petroleum addiction, whereby
> trillions of homothetic images become normalized.
> If homology is similarity attributed to a common origin, Deleuze shows
> the homothetic in LOS: the Colonizer places the significations onto the
> surface3 of the earth as emblematic of its regime. Some of the prisoners
> might like to see the French text of this passage in cyberspace.
> Homothetic, Gk. theticos 'fit for placing'; orig. formed as French
> homothetique -- more at thetic: similar and similarly oriented -- used
> of geometric figures.
> Guattari's homothetic is in at least two places, pp. 27 and 149 of SC.
> G's p. 37 resonjates with D's use of it in LOS:
> 'Let me explain: for all times, and whatever its historical avatars
> might be, capitalist drive has always knotted together two fundamental
> components: one, that I characterize as deterritorializing, of the
> destruction of social territories, collective identities and traditional
> systems of value. The other, of the recopmposition, even by the molst
> artificial of means, of individuated personological frameworks, schemes
> of power and models of submission that are, if not formally similar to
> those that it has destroyed, at least homothetic to them from a
> functional point of view. It is this latter that I characterize as a
> movement of reterritorialization.'
> (SC p. 37)
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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