[D-G] a close words to Nz and Jussi

AJ Crawboney dr.crawboney at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 9 14:29:49 PDT 2006

I found a quote that touches on some of these points
that are being nervously fondled, maybe it can help in
locating that Bergsonian center...?
Deleuze  and Guttari "A Thousand Plateaus"
pg 459-460 "apparatus of capture, "Proposition XII.
We may return to the different forms of the State,
from the stand point of a universal history. We
distinguish three major forms: (1) imperial archaic
States, which are paradigms and constitute a machine
of enslavement by overcoding already-coded flows [...]
; (2) extremely diverse States - evolved empires,
autonomous cities, feudal systems, maonarcheis - which
proceed instead by subjectification and sujection, and
constitue qualified or topical conjunctions of decoded
flows; 3) extremely modern nation-States, which take
decodeing even further and are models of realization
for an aiomatic or general conjugation of flows.
The internal correlation between 1 and 2 appears most
clearly in the fact that the fragmented forms of the
Aegean world presuppose the great imperial form of the
Orient and find in it a stock or agricultural surplus,
which the consequently have no need to produce or
accumulate for themselves.  [...] We find the revival
of this form in the Greek, Roman, and feudal worlds:
there is always an empire on the horizon, which for
the subjective States plays the role of signifier and
encompassing element. And the correlation between 2
and 3 is no less pronounced, for industrial
revolutions are not wanting, and the difference
between topical conjunctions and the great conjugation
of decoded flows is so thin that one is left with the
impression that capitalism was continually being born,
disappearing and reviving at every crossroads of
history. And the correlation between 3 and 1 is also a
necessary one: the modern States of the third age do
indeed restore the most absolute of empires, a new
"megamachine," whatever the novelty or timesliness of
its now immanent form; they do this by realizing an
axiomatic that functions as much by machinic
enslavement as by social subjection. Capitalism has
areawakened the Urstaat, and given it new
strength.(see 58)
Not only, as Hegel said, does eery State imply " the
essential moments of its existences as a State," but
there is a unique moment, in the sense of a couplin
gof forces, and this moment of the State is capture,
bond, knot, "nexum", magical capture. Must we speak of
a second pole, which would operate instead  by pact
and contract? Is this not instead that other force,
overcoding of coded flows, and the treatment of
decoded flows. The contract is a jurisdical expression
of the second aspect: it appears as the proceeding of
subjectification,  the outcome of which is subjection.
And the contract must be pushed to the extreme; in
other words, it is no longer concluded between two
people but between self and self, with the same person
- "ich = ich" -  as subjected and sovereign.
[end quote]

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