[D-G] future of France and Usa and downfall of the Empire

.Sylvia_Jenepi. sylvia_jenepi at brokenvessels.xyz
Sun Feb 13 08:22:19 PST 2022

France and Usa have been the two poles of popular democracy
France and Italy first in the gothic age as described by Panovski
the gothic age corresponds to the birth of humanism Toni Negri speaks 
in Empire.
France is a kind of crossroad. Miller talked favorably of French 
civilisation (in superiority to American Usa civilisation
i reckon because of France potential.
only potential because both France since 1789 and later Usa since 1876 
have been put down by the Roman Empire who is secretely in shadowy 
manouver still operative and dark to this day.
Cia assassination of JFK Kennedy and Martin Luther King are 
epiphenomenon of this put down of the positive sides of Usa.
JP Morgan cancellation of Tesla free energy and favour of oil companies 
another wordly aspect of this fight of the Roman Empire.
France is a crossroad between Greece, Israel (Maria Magdalena took 
refuge with Jesus children in first century AD in provencal south of 
Vikings, Celts from the isles, Germany, Flanders, Italy, Iberia..
All mix in France. Why Gothic art emerged there: junction.
Dna important in relation with Toynbee monads and civilisations.
Democracy in France and Usa apotheosis in potential of all this beauty 
of the universe ...!
But Usa is with more solid foundations (democracy) as Toqueville showed.
But France is superior because of dna connexion to the stars in the 
milky way and beyond.
The future of France and the anglo saxon is bright in some decades from 
The Roman Empires doom is pronto, soon now.
With the Russian and the good side of the Jewish people, France and 
Anglo Saxon civilisations are the victors of the Nazi and soon the 
victors of the Roman Empires hidden remaining structure.
I am so confident for their future and the one of everyone on the good 
side of Terra.
Lets turn the remaining baddies into goodies with the help of Deleuze!!!

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