[D-G] noam chomski talking with clifford duffy (an ancient clifford deleuze list correspondants)

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 17:15:52 PDT 2020


i thought i wanted to quickly review this author in this Vimeo  famous
writer who does videos
as they have been broadcasted on ex deleuze writer clifford duffy's blog:

in this video chomski was talking with a palestinian librarian (an
Antiquarian actually)
and chomski gives advices here to the palestinians Arabs advising them
to take interest in what happened this summer with the blm grassroot

chomski says that the palestinians Arabs may pay notice to how claiming non
can bring gentle results and how to one day the movement like those of
alexandria octavio cortez
will be president here in Washington DC and help munificent  the
palestinian cause of this librarian-antiquarian of the Verso Era.

i think it is relevant to ask the audience here about the smooth space:
why did Deleuze think about inventing a notion as a smooth space and as a
striated space?
how what chomski advances in his steps: a possibility to invent a space
devoid of any violence:
those two magnificent  two inventions, the one of deleuze and the one of
chomski, how do they mingle? i don't know too much:

chomski is working  a bit like the nietzschean ascetic priest, the
medicine man who
is at the border, the peacekeeper in the middle, with a war between two
fighters, and she instills
the sediment of Peace. (Macron tomorrow's in his declaration about
LebanonMustapha Adib's  fall of Government).
he is the one to finetune the anger and turn it to bring about a non
striated, peaceful, non violence space
where violence would be labelled with the name of "striated", or "clearly
fashist idf army"
i think that's the connexion that not an experimented deleuzian would make,
but certainly i think this Connexions is what would happen in the mind of
an internet political activist .

i am writing this tonight because i am wondering about the becoming and the
future of such an internet activist. about my future?

what is actually the reason: why the palestinian "cause" attracts the mind
of thinkers such as clifford duffy?

of course clifford duffy is not a thinker but a musical composer !
would that be because Joyce said things of beauty in favor of the
to whom the Irishmen independentists of the XXth century identified as a
sibling nation
in its opposition to Rome?

Internet Poetic Activism A random sparse versification A. Machine, wherein
which circumstances does a poet or an artist require to defend a political
cause, and weave
a tapestry of "counterpunch" propaganda in an insane political debate like
the one opposing
Biden and Trump?

it turned out (see about this Joesephin Quinn's essay on the same search)
the Phoenicians did not exist, that they were an invention of the Hellenic
world confronted with the East, so as were the Palestinians: non
existent before the 1967 border war and before the rigid support of strong
France and gentle USSR.

Perhaps the chomskian non violent activist alike Duffy's poetry will be
looking for a striated space when it fears the emptyness of the smooth
with the infinity of its directions

In that sense poetry would prove wrong deleuze and guattari who said that
it was the Egyptians Art who tried willfully to inclose an essence within
the Embedment: an envelope around their fear of death (haptic bas relief)

but it is looking for a striated space as a part of a cancerous smooth
space, the like of which Melville meditated about in his writing on the
Revolutionary French Pirates see in Billy Budd who left such a taste of
disgust in the Royal Navy's tongue?

what is actually the difference between Herman Melville and Clifford Duffy :
how would one want to compare the two?

we would answer with a brief Summary, that it is a different period, the
history of art is evolutive
or is it?
why should it?

 a similarity of feeling perhaps in Duffy's deep sea water and salty
longing for the immense solitudes of the crowds and foggy beige mountainous
forests of Vancouver Tree, à la Gary Snider? Melville was not so
reminiscent of the dark humor's fortitude ? no?

Why but oh why, has Clifford Duffy been so active on the
draft-line Mailing List in the years 1993-2003?, with his memorable
assaults against Chris McMahon in 2001, when avatar Janine Macintosh blamed
the late for being "so drunk",
or when Paul Levy Bryant was "treated" for being "paranoid" with his
"object theory proposals" in the midst of the year 20 000, the second
intifada ?

and why has Clifford stopped writing here and vanished from the public
it is not because he whines postmortem of course because, he's the one who
loves Immanent Life ; no,
i think it is because these assaults of his were causing him to suffer
somehow, and he longed for more serenity, a sense of "relax", a longing for
the pleasure to freely verse a monologue at will

he is though entirely  (!) responsible for so many 9/11 news being
"poetically" spilled over in the Mailing List here, causing the departure
of Dan Smith, then of Nattan Widder and so such top-quality intellectuals
who left the field, the ground to this destroyed space ( talking about
Chomski's "non-violent" space by the way !! what non-sense !! )

I think yet something happened in the writing of certain of his
correspondent, look more closely  at the difference between Fili Houtman 's
posts and Liza Kozner's for instance (not to mention
crunchy-monstro-delicious Gondo Minnie's ) !

so we could say some benefit there was for some dada mutual criss-cross
vaporization happening between the "ghosts" here on the list, yet of course
we see what has become of the list, "it's so tragic", barely no 1
correspondent talking here or writing? ney there's Sylvia Jenepi the
Messenger, and Dewey Dell, and me but i don't count  i mean i am not
seriously counting.

anyway Melville. and Chomski. in all things some benefits!
Chomski saw in the freedom of doing, of adventure, of free entreprise, the
Violence of the birth the start of Capitalism:
it seems the smooth space only exists because the assemblages are floating
above,  Empirical and Transcendental (see Iam Buchanan's to that effect,
the assemblages!!) above it, this because,
the assemblages are the thoughts intensities!!, every idea in it is
different to the other
that's what so boring with smooth space, they are the Sahara desert of the
poets, after their political militants have destroyed the Egyptian closure
of the drink essence. and each essence is different, each essence had a
pristine taste, a smell that was so different : so many ideas which the
non-violent spaces of Chomski will eternally try, relentlessly to drink.

after that!
smoothed out regards, by
John Petterson Wayne

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