[D-G] Deleuze and Guattari on Brexit

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 14:03:45 PST 2019

The book by Negri 2015 is "from the factory to the metropolis"
assembly might be worth checking for me.

i would not say superego, it could well be the
famous "noosphere/realpolitic" which crosscuts with the
Dumezil atp Romulus/Numa; Wotan-Tiwas king jurist & magical emperor or vice
(beginning of plateau 7000 BC 13)

i think i have not yet read Dumezil but i know he analyzed the
i know the ditto "indo-europeans" have been subject to question as a
i think you talk about Gulen, he belongs to the Turko-Mongols Civilization,
even if he lives in Pennsylvanya it does not matter.
they might be differently organized then  the probably non existent
"Indo-European" Civilization. about the later i have thought that they
appear in favor of the
development of a certain kind of agencies organization going alongside post
neolithic metal
techno-social-theology which spread very slowly i reckon westward and
elsewhere south and may be east of
Mesopotamia around the 7000 BC time

i think you can help your self with comparing Civilization, especially if
want to know what will be the next movement from the Strata and Nomad
singularities point of view
but with always relative efficacy.

you have to think about the tools used by a Civilization in order to
develop its theological layer. like today our freeways, our telephones and

think as well that the Clintons belong to a Civilization which has some
real Christian background
but which is as well in tune with a Metropolis which crosscuts with various
& different Civilizations
still alive and potent with results, in imagery for example.

if you don't agree with what I here say, please tell me not, because I am
not sure
of the way this vision is shared by most people reading books in the
intelligentsia? Michael Hardt in the youtube video
you shared here seem yesterday did not to agree with this line of reasoning
of mine, when answering some of the question on the factories
in China and the social mining in the West.

anyway i hardly think of a "superego" which is a nomenclature provided by
psychiatry or by psychoanalysis (?)
i don't by the way believe in the notion of "paranoia" or "neurosis" thus i
think outdated the nomenclature of
"superego" or "overman". i rate better the approximate notion of Agency, or
multiple Agency forming a Strata/Civilization,
switching in the intellectual gaze, as for eg. the Turco-Mongols, as
opposed to the Arabs, differently organized,
or as opposed to the Christians or to the Creeks.

but each social field is rooted in a certain Time Geography which extends
via Tools
and Tools can be a sword and fire, or Signs, Emotions interacting which you
will call atheism or religion depending on the case
and your mood.

Le dim. 6 janv. 2019 à 20:17, Mike Lansing <badger2 at mail2world.com> a
écrit :

> Schizoanalysis of the Gulen/Creek assemblage pivots on the assumption
> that the theologian and policeman are two peas in a superego pea-pod.
> Thus, if Gulen's followers apply for police jobs in Turkey and they
> have been given the answers to the exam beforehand, we will dig deeper
> into this (school-education) pathology, because it is an interesting
> church-and-state copulation whose islamic end goal is not different
> from the xian Colonizers in Georgia, USA.
> In Hardt's youtube video, Assembly, Hardt links Standing Rock Sioux to
> the idea of the 'Commons' at time-point 32:17:
> Assembly
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjjLWPowDCU
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