[D-G] Geopolitical Communications

Mike Lansing badger2 at mail2world.com
Wed Feb 13 13:25:32 PST 2019

'One should not believe, however, that the production of subjectivity
is left only to religion; anti-religious struggles are also creative,
just as the regimes of light, enunciation and domination move through
very diverse domains. Modern subjectivations resemble the Greek
subjectivations no more than the Christian ones; the same is true of
light utterances and power....What are madness, prison, sexuality
today? What new modes of subjectivation de we see appearing today that
are certainly not Greek or Christian? This last question haunted
Foucault until the end (we who are no longer Greek, nor even
(Deleuze, What is a Dispositif?) 

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