[D-G] "tables de nuit" (PVirilio)-(GuattariF)

Mike Lansing badger2 at mail2world.com
Fri Mar 10 14:59:41 PST 2017

'As Paul Virilio writes: 'today....the essence of what we insist on
calling urbanism is composed/decomposed by these transfer, transit and
transmission systems, these transport and transmigration networks whose
immaterial configuration reiterates the cadastral organization and
building of ornaments.
Kak Pol Virilio pishet: segodnia....sut' togo chto my nastaivaem na
vyzvaiushcjii urbanizma vkhodiat/razlagaetsia etikh system peredachi,
tranzita I peredachi, eti transporta I transmigratsii setei, ch'i ne
znacheniia konfiguratsii vnov' kadastrovye organizatsii I stroitel'stva
If there are monuments today, they are certainly not of the visible
order, despite t twists and turns of architectural excess.
Esli est pamiatniki segodniia, oni, konechno, ne vidno poriadka,
nesmotria na izgiby I povroty arkhitekturnykh izbytok.
No longer part of perceptible appearances nor of the aesthetic of the
apparition of volumes assembled under the sun, this monumental
disproportion now resides within the obscure luminescence of terminals,
consoles and other electronic night stands.
Ne bol'she chastiu oshchutimyi vystuplenii ni esteticheskogo prizrak
tomov, sobrannykh pod solntsiem, etot monumental'nyi disproportsiia
teper' nakhoditsia v predelakh skryvat' liuminenstsientsii terminalov,
konsolei I drugikh elektronnykh noch' stoit.'
Jean Clet-Martin / Diacritik
'....des espaces de peintre, d'ecrire avec du rouge, de monter des
labyrinths que seul un aveugle sait voir, visualiser dansla nuit....'

<-----Original Message----->
From: Johnatan Petterson [deleuze-guattari at lists.driftline.org]
Sent: 3/8/2017 7:33:39 PM
To: deleuze-guattari at lists.driftline.org
Subject: Re: [D-G] "tables de nuit" (PVirilio)-(GuattariF)

Dear Listers,

p296 CS
"Comme l'écrit Paul Virilio:
<<Aujourd'hui (...) l'essentiel de ce qu'on persiste à appeler Urbanisme
est composé /décomposé
par ces systèmes de
de transit et de transmission,
ces réseaux de transport et de transmigration dont l'immatérielle
configuration renouvelle celle du cadastre, l'édification de monuments.
Si "monument" il y a,
ceux-ci ne sont plus de l'ordre du visible, malgré les tours et les
de la démesure architecturale,
"disproportion" s'inscrit moins dans l'ordre des apparences sensibles,
de l'apparition des volumes assemblés sous le soleil,
que dans l'obscure luminescence des
des consoles
"tables de nuit"
électronique. >> (PVirilio, L'Espace Critique 1984)

"As writes Paul Virilio:
<<Today (...) the jist of what one strives to label Urbanism is
by those systems of
transit and transmission,
those networks of transportation and transmigration whose immaterialilty
procedurality renews the one of cadaster organization, monument
whether "Monument" does happen,
it is not appearing on the visible order, inspite of tower and de-towers
architectural out-of-order
this out-of-proportion written less in sensible appearances, as
of volumes scattering under an appearance of a sun,
than in obscure lights :
"night tables"
of an
electronica.>> PVirilio, )

I think a "projétation architectural" etico - aesthetic axis tonight
is thus how to re-instaure (restore?) -> refurbish? the
formal angle between sun & night,
a re-invention of the concept of feed-back, sort of.

Johnatan Petterson.
List address: deleuze-guattari at driftline.org
Archives: www.driftline.org <http://www.driftline.org/> 

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