[D-G] Concepts seen as functions

Rutger H. Cornets de Groot rutger at cornetsdegroot.com
Tue May 3 13:41:03 PDT 2011

Yes, Malgosia, all those processes are energetic, but does that mean 
that "A"--not the letter that you see displayed on your screen or in a 
book, but the virtual, i.e. not actualized state of that letter--is a 
function? Do you "use" the letter "A" like you use an egg in a recipe? 
Does it produce or sprout actualizations of itself? Or is it indeed a 
concept to which we refer in our minds when we see an actual "A"?


Rutger H. Cornets de Groot
Joan Maetsuyckerstraat 80A
2593 ZM Den Haag
RHCdG <http://www.cornetsdegroot.com/rhcdg>

On 3-5-2011 22:04, deleuze-guattari-request at lists.driftline.org wrote:
> But Rutger, if the virtual form of the letter A is, as you are 
> proposing, its encoding as a series of 0s and 1s, and its 
> actualization is its specific appearance on the computer screen, this 
> does not happen without: (1) a standard of digital encoding of the 
> Latin alphabet having been proposed, discussed, adopted and anounced; 
> (2) somebody writing and compiling the particular program running in 
> your computer; (3) electricity being supplied to your computer; (4) 
> your computer executing code; (5) your screen holding together as a 
> material object; etc., etc., etc. - all of which are energetic 
> processes!   No?
> -m 

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