[D-G] deleuze and benjamin on violence

NZ pretzelworld at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 09:18:58 PDT 2006

there is no irony in my writing for you to judge, if you do then that
is your choice to be exclusitory in terms of your precieved
"conventional terms" (I am ignorant of this notion that you hold and
in this way ignorance becomes just as blessed as intelligence) I would
suggest that these conventional terms are not allowing to you see some
very "normal" readings. Please don't be so deffensive of people who do
not think like you -  I have my own logos that is not like yours, so
what, who cares? we still obey the same codes howerver and we can talk
about the same subjects (and again, how come "I" have suddenly become
your subject when we're already talking about another subject? is
there something missing here, perhaps intimate physical contact? Is
this the time/place for mental intercourse?)

Wbenj was not a big fan of Nietsch or freud, read his "cult of
capitalism" essays and see that I am not being a bastard contrarian, I
am following through, trying at least to be consistant, with a
discussion that Wbenj is having with philosophy back in 1921 (you
should explicate what discussion you would like to be in b/c I assumed
you are also along for the ride/fantasy voyage).

Now I am seeing that, according to you, people, "conventional,
academic educated" people have lost a great deal of their own
logos(re: p.h.i.l.o.s.o.p.h.y) and they do not know how to talk about
these subjects anymore because of detentional-logos (re:wooden-iron) ,
that would be a tragedy (if it was because of fate), but it is a
comedy (if it was done according to intentional form/agenda). Even
Neitsche would be able to see this difference bewteen the comedy and
tragedy of long term agenda-making and the chorus (or lack of) plays a
significant role by adding dimension, but where are they? are they
just baffled? reading porn? (please don't complain to me about a lack
of dimension on this subject, I am only one person) Freud tell us when
we get angry with our logos we can do 3 things. The tri-part man can
1) do drugs and get saratonin into your brain, its an associative
chemical that helps connect the logos in pleasing ways... 2)
isolation, which is a polite way to say "shut up and leave me alone"
and 3) sublimation, ie "submission to the cult of capitalism" (this is
not my reading alone, it is not ironic, it is not literal even). Yes
indeed, my reading of" interpersonal relationships" is strictly an
issue with communicaion/logos and in-directly about internal
aggression (which is directly about logos/anger) , perhaps the most
'normal" reading does not illuminate this point. I say yes to
illumination, but hold on to the fact that "the path to illumination"
is trapped within the tempo control of sovereign capitalist control,
is it not constant with wben.'s critique of pure-violence? are we
ready for a cyber-thetical debate between wben. and freud?

please note:
spinoza -> helmholtz -> debord
this is the chain that shows how debord's "spectical of society" can
be percieved in spinoziastic terms, and answers the most basic literal
question "why a spectical?" These so-called paradigm shifts are merely
re-worded logos constructions used to dominate the tempo of
philosophical narrative. I dont think it is a particularly clever or
ethical approach to philosoophy, there is more behind what it conceals
with words.... especially in the digital age, where domination of
tempo is conflated with "technology" - can you see that the "breaks"
of the ego onto the id.... the notion of "retarded" control as a basic
agenda is exactly that, retarded. It does not contain
divine-intelligence (re:locke on christianity) because it is an agenda
of conservatism of experience. So when capitalists see Stalinist
Soviets rushing thu industrialization they can label it "brutal" but
the whole point of such a strategy is to "lessen" that brutalizing
stage and gain tempo-control of fate, unlike the dogmaless-capitalist
approach which perfers to "lengthen" the brutalizing process via
retard-factor. this is the pure "divine-violence alloyed with the
spectical" ... it is seen as a spectical because such a spectical is
understood by spinoza's concepts of spiritual knowledge perception.

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