[D-G] translation "syn-aestesiae"

adline vanlindenbergh bisouxnoursfast at fastmail.fm
Sun Mar 6 17:25:16 PST 2005

Ce ne sont pas les synesthésies en pleine chair, ce sont ces blocs de
sensations dans le territoire, couleurs, postures et sons, qui
esquissent une oeuvre d'art totale"

"It is not syneasthesiae in full flesh, but these sensations blocs in
the territory, colours, postures and sounds, that [esquissent?= sketch
out?] a total work of art"
WIP? p184

NB on Deleuze's french in WIP? it is a french that is not the standard
french, esquisser here
when i read it, the both harraps and collins french english dictionary
at hand here cannot translate it by sketch out. sketch out it's a rough,
hard word.i don't know what to suggest instead, i am sorry. you native
speakers what you think yet?
  adline vanlindenbergh
  bisouxnoursfast at fastmail.fm

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