This is the ever exciting Feyerabend forum, intended to support active
discussion and debate of issues related to the writings of, and beliefs
about, Paul Feyerabend. This is not a slow reading list; nor is it a
free-wheeling discussion list. It is rather a mean between the two. Not
only will we discuss and read Feyerabend's writings and beliefs about him,
but we will also apply his style of argument to many fundamental
philosophical issues that will come up in the course of discussion. As
Feyerabend's writings touched everything from quantum theory to ethics to
Aristotelian natural science, the discussions on this list can incorporate
many of the debates in other lists.
Feyerabend was among the most controversial philosophers of our time. He was
not the type to be intimitated by the status quo, no matter how well
established it was, or how sacrosant the topic may have been. His arguments
against the existence of a universal scientific method and against the
political autonomy of science caused a considerable stir and provoked heated
exchanges, even straightforward castigation in philosophical and scientific
journals and literature. Thus, many fundamental issues will be debated and
discussed on this list, and the discussion should be enjoyable and lively.
You might also be interested in the Feyerabend Forum Webpage,
which features a list of links to further Feyerabend resources.
If you are a subscriber, send a message to the list introducing yourself.
Let everyone know that you are here, even if you are just listening in on
the discussion. In addition to telling us whatever you want us to know
about who you are, we ask you to take a moment to tell us what and how you
know about Feyerabend and of your thoughts and opinions about him. If you
don't have any yet, tell us anything you may have heard about him. This is
the best way to initiate a good discussion on Feyerabend. We promise that
expressing yourself in this way will be a contribution to others on the
The mailing address of the list is
Use this address to post messages, initiate or continue discussion etc.
The administrative interface is at
Use this address for all administrative functions, such as subscribing,
unsubscribing, changing your list options, or getting information about
the list. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the listowner,
Malgosia Askanas (
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the Feyerabend
(The current archive is only available to the list
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list of members is available only to the list administrator.