[D-G] more on the Slate writer (Adam Kotsko), and an extract from Emma Goldman

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sat May 14 16:56:01 PDT 2022

Adam Kotsko: "Agamben has always been a man of the left, albeit an
idiosyncratic anti-Marxist anarchist, but his apparent overlap with the
right wing in his pandemic writings is no accident. If any action by the
state, including by state medical authorities, is always intrinsically
oppressive, then we have no alternative but to fall back on our own
individuality—exactly the libertarian position that the right wing has used
for decades to cut off in advance any effort to challenge existing power

from my point of view i do not feel the need to oppose individual(ism?) and
collective and cooperation. both are important for humanity. How does the
hypocrite Adam Kotsko pretends to act as a challenger of "power
structures"? you cannot imagine somebody more ridiculous than what Adam
Katsko appears to be as a universe-being. (we cannot speak of a human being
anymore, and an earthling neither) By reading this text, we get to learn
how does it work, the system of "intellectuals" gravitating in schools and
movements, around thinkers like Agamben, or Deleuze! they ARE the System.
the BRICS of this HELL! by the way i even wonder for whom i am currently
writing this, who is on this list? how many people are free here? how many
here have made a pact with the devil, have vaccinated their flesh? how many
are still lobotomised and mind controlled? thank god some people like
Agamben or Deleuze are free and think for themselves. with their souls. how
funny sometimes when you use the word souls with Marxists, it seems their
pact with Satan and Lucifer has made them mandatory expression, a fact, in
order for them to only be able to declare then: the soul is not scientific.

  Emma Goldman: «L’organisation a en réalité comme fonction d’aider au
développement et à l’épanouissement de la personnalité. De même que la
coopération mutuelle permet aux cellules animales de manifester leurs
pouvoirs latents dans la créa tion d’un organisme complet, l’individualité
atteint sa plus haute forme de développement à travers l’effort coopératif
avec d’autres individualités conscientes d’elles mêmes et intelligentes."
("The function of the organization is actually to help the
the development and the blooming of the personality.
Just as mutual cooperation enables animal cells to manifest their latent
powers in the creation of a complete
to manifest their latent powers in the creation of a complete organism,
individuality reaches its highest form of
individuality reaches its highest form of development through cooperative
with other self-conscious and intelligent individualities.
intelligent individualities". deepl translation)

un saludo

Le dim. 15 mai 2022 à 01:19, Dewey Dell <dewey.dell5 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> https://slate.com/human-interest/2022/02/giorgio-agamben-covid-holocaust-comparison-right-wing-protest.html
> this is a funny writer actually, he does not know why already.

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