[D-G] How can Shinzo Abe unlawful murder will one day Spinoza in Holy Seat in the Vatican!

.Sylvia_Jenepi. sylvia_jenepi at brokenvessels.xyz
Fri Jul 8 13:59:50 PDT 2022

somehow its seems unreal to me that he is no alive any more. it really 
is not as it should. Justice please on that one haShem Lord , daddy :) 
seriously now come on.

I read something on Japan being between a deep moon in Us and a deep red 
dragon in China it seems « reasonable » to think the lock the jam to 
explode was Japan. OK so..but then, Shinzo Abe? In every good classical 
English litterature the Figure of the Leader of one country is Holy. 
Spinoza is in agrement with the Bible: the King is given the Holy seat. 
To assassinate Shinzo Abe is like if King David had been murdered !

I am totally upset .
And I cannot believe he died.
Its not like Hiroshima its worse in my mindset.
Its uncomparable to Hiroshima.
But its the sign of the Deep Moon shadow on our ground level.
I hate this to be please Daddy share thoughts with other powerful people 
to bring Karma Home.

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