[D-G] Universe of Reference in Sciences ( the event of Isabelle Stengers?)

Dewey Dell dewey.dell5 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 15:40:08 PST 2021

hya Johnatan, (and other Spoon DG List junkies)

long time not seeing/hearing from you: how are you today actually?

i am currently studying Isabelle Stengers' <<l' invention des
Sciences Modernes>> written in 1993/1994

i was at the start abit taken astray by the power of the signifiers in
Popper's 3 Worlds

now after humour and irony
after a detour by Alan Chalmers (cute dude), Lakatos "program de recherche"
and Khun's incommensurability between Newton and Einstein
she now is exploring with more Humour: the event of Science, how scientists
are Repeatedly asking the Event to making "a difference" making it possible
to validate the question "Is this Scientific?"
and how the mise en scène is subjected by the Irony of those (relativists)
who want not to see the difference
but favour instead a "Return of the Same" indecisiveness. (in short a bit
like Feyeraband they say science is guilty of a certain cultural vue de
l'esprit, and That is ironic she says.

She describes the advent of Galileo and this turns more and more in tune
with the detective novel of Deleuze and Guattari consequences...

let's keep in touch!

Dewey xx

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