[D-G] why a better name for Nationihilsm ?

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 16:00:35 PST 2019


i had the impression that Britain had to leave the EU because France
was willing to get closer to Russia in order to build a Continent, even
the Gobi desert for the China silk road to happen with everything, no?

yet that was perhaps all too intellectual and macropolitic a thinking!

it turns out its the fight against Islam conquest which frightened Rural
which started the leave campaign, in the early 2006 or 2005

it would be a good idea for Ireland to stay away from the same
fight which shall now in years to come be declared on the Continent

Ireland best friend might be revealed to be after all the United States (
remembering good Friday agreement) and it could be a good idea for Scotland
not to join a fragmented Europe at the worst time of its crisis and remain
with England
in a protected island.

if you live abroad you should notice how the debate introduced by Edouard
in Orientalism in the US is not an intellectual debate. how we noticed it
in France;

you get the same problem in India.
Modi refuses entry to Muslims from Belgladesh and Afghanistan and
Pakistan,, and the postmodernists
go fighting against the Modi government, just because Islam wants
"brothers" it
is a universalist brotherhood <<hanif>> which means abhrahamist, pure
monotheist not affiliated to any peculiar religion.

its a big question for the whole planet about the "nations" fighting
there might be a better word than "nation"
i would suggest that "res public" would be better than "nation".

its relevant to talk about this on the deleuze guattari list with its past
decades of discussions.

the question of nation versus universalism might be better phrased in2 the
of intellectual integrity of the citizen versus a mass-movement by gradual
and subjectivity break versus a subjectivity non-break:
the conversion is intellectual, it happens with you bookworms reading, and
in the Universities.

i think some Indian nationalists blame Gayatri Spivak for having introduced
to the English speaking world

yet Deleuze and Guattari, and what matters obviously  is their readers here,

they, offer to us a window of opportunity to an intellectual reading and
gradual understanding
of the World Becoming Phenomena, that is not Post-Modern in the sense that
are post-modern the other galaxy
of neighbours to DG, thinking guys like Lacan, Judith Butler, Zainab
Brahani  etc.

what is worrying is the explosive nature of this conflict on the European
in the year to come.

the intellectual tools are not there and great damages have already been
done to the brains of the old democracies, its  citizens actually!.

regression is to be feared. it is inevitable , if there is a bloody
the best tool i think lie in the reflexion on parliamentary and defendors
of republic
in this time of high urgency.

the defendors of republic might turn up during a time not unlike the ones
in Italian humanist and rennaisance quadroccento:
a revival for an interest in the old Roman republic across the book
after the Christian and Germanic destruction of the Roman empire it took a
few centuries
to raise awareness out of chaos of "how" people in ere times got together
building institutions: res public during the Roman times (before the
Empire). it was
probably not by coincidence that this happened in northern Italy.

a new Civilisation returning to books to understand a Past Civilisation, to
understand a current Civilisation,
which triggers a Becoming Political, a new start.

that is why the question might not be phrased acurately as
"Nations across the World" versus "Universalism" and "Hanif".

because Universalism did happen: we are somehow still in it:
its peak might be during the so called by Negri "Empire" and this during
the Obama presidency

so if one wants to avoid as much as possible regression and blood in Europe,
the escape way from this situation is to re-read and understand with a
fresh vision
the stakes of the creative and of the intellectual (rhizo)spheres during
the XXcentury
along side this division which has now (not) taken place. and the
intellectual void which is US.

examples of writers and creatives from that period fall short, like Isidor
Isou which
has been mentioned so often here.

amicales gesticulations to Isidore Isou.
Johnatan Petterson

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