[D-G] Life altering

.Sylvia_Jenepi. sylvia_jenepi at brokenvessels.xyz
Tue Jun 26 18:02:07 PDT 2018

still brooding about your phrase:>  These affects sediment into 
>> that's not asocial or private--certainly not--but an idiosyncratic and
>> networked form of subjectivity, one made of solely of  all of my past
>> repurposings of the world.

how could one want this,to distinguish, or not, this from a formula:
(metaphysical)ego+(ethical)society+future(imagination)=to build a 
project of subjectivity?

i think at once if we have the formula, we can try to swap the 
categorical terms innit.

we could embetter it:
difference+clothsofdifferences+science-fiction=inverse formula: a mirror 
reflecting the virtual inverse of the actual formula


(messenger of Queen Id'Zabillya, Queen of Ostya)

On 27.06.2018 02:01, .Sylvia_Jenepi. wrote:
> On 26.06.2018 02:56, Drake Gossi wrote:
> /+++/
>> So, Daniel, I struggle with Deleuze, and right now I'm struggling with 
>> his
>> thoughts on subjectivity, so I'm thinking of the three syntheses--I
>> believe--in *Difference and Repetition*. To me, the subject for 
>> Deleuze is
>> a kind of after-feeling or feeling of having been affected and
>> simultaneously affecting others.///***///
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  These affects sediment into something
>> that's not asocial or private--certainly not--but an idiosyncratic and
>> networked form of subjectivity, one made of solely of  all of my past
>> repurposings of the world.
> /////*****\\\\\\
> my course of thoughts brought by random across your words,
> make me wonder (please don't see this as admonishing from me, it's just
> out of misunderstanding the logic:
> i think the words 'indiosynchrasic' coming alongside those of
> 'networked' is ok in this context of online conversation.
> -yet, a subjectivity that would be
> made solely of 'all my past repurposing of the world' seems illogical
> how can the 'world' endow you with such a gratification:
> otherwise because the world is just some external layers, but
> not encompassing all the polyverse multiplicity of the World?
> is this not Nietzsche becoming a mantra or some magical thinking
> i like the idea of repurposing the networked indiosynchrasies you find
> around you , perhaps like this scenopoetic bird in what is philosophy?
> of the forest.
> but yet the way to do better than the scenopoetic bird,
> is breaking the rules, disrupt the normativity of the Scenopoetic Bird,
> by a Self-Analysis: the bird engages into decomplexify his brain,
> and change the way he behaves. that's why Kant is interested by the 
> Deleuzian
> Fractured Cogito.
> what would be so great would be Deleuze
> or Kant would have activated so many new Ideas in a Man
> (singular) that she would change the patterns of the
> Scenopetic Bird, and help a new Pattern , so that
> the leaves and the concepts loose any sense of categoric distinction.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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