[D-G] multiplicity control in West EU & Britain

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 16:48:56 PST 2018

this list is a desert, yet i know at least three hundreds intellectuals
are following those tweets, is there none to discuss the situation
in atlantic europe and Britain? let's try to find out a solution together,
be participative
if you see my facts are not good. i am none expert and have only intuition
as ally.

let's pause the data i know of:

- migrants or travellers from Erythrea, Sudan, and Afghanistan,
i guess other countries, like Kurdistan? are trying to get to London.

now Britain is out of Europe, or about to be out of it.

London is attractive, i guess, because of Commonwealth center.
travellers find shelter in London, which is not the case in Belgium
or France.

Europe tries to dissuasion travellers to go to London: Europe has received
50 million dollars a year to do so.
Europe is frightened by some electorate in Europe, who turns nazi, and
votes threaten democracy.

now in Brussels people organize to help the travellers go to London, little
by little.

why not convince people, the problem is the rulers of Europe, think they
have to fear
some explosion of Europe, like there used to be one with Roman empire when
it turned Christian. this brings the problem to philosophy.

it turns out the tools of philosophy are not ready-made for the
preservation of democracy in Europe.

multiplicity control means people have to flee to London, little by little.

so that the right philosophy tools reach to the people of Europe.

what i mean: people helping travellers in Brussels, cannot claim it is only
a matter of showing 'pity' to those trying to go to London.
besides, London has her own priorities, and those cannot rule in Europe.
i think Macron should be aware that the deal with London, the 50 millions
is a mascarada.

it's the social order on the Continent, which ought to change, but this
cannot be done in a second or a year or even ten.

Brexit is a proof that even Britain has failed in her policy to address its
Commonwealth center attractivity.

that's just a call for people to brain storm, and not
1) so easy be fall misericordious to tragedy of others,
2) prepare to organize collectively ::i think with the climate there are so
many people about to arrive,
it's worth thinking how to organize (obviously those who take care to think
about it) _together_ the answer cannot come from the past, we have to
invent it.
it means it cannot be ignorant of the tragedy, and the tragic connection
between people, let's face
the situation head on, and seek a solution encompassing all the planet's
data, so that Europe can help not
be destroyed, torn apart between fractal views on the situation. i really
think everyone on earth needs be imagined a piece in
the solution, and there is plenty of pieces and rooms in the forests, aside
from the autopistas of the past and of the present, the fractal views is
full of potential,
and expands, right? yet, i aswell mean that a solution cannot be found in
the current call to 'humanity' or 'pan-human-brotherhood' that we so
often view as the limit to the imagination of the cultural association
caring for the travellers. reality as science knows is is quite more
complex, right?
so let's integrate science in the debate.

besides it's a few monthes i have been following the debate in france
between laicity and cultural communities:
the debate between french 'universalism', and the 'community'/minority
hypocrite view in anglo-saxon world, and you see how related it comes
with all what previous said in this post: i do believe that the french
have a point in laicity, in that it conforms more with sciences do work.
the problem which deleuze and guattari talked about
was in the impact of the french current state apparatus empeding the
universalism of/in sciences.

what do think of that? everybody?

grazzié mile for any contestation.

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