[D-G] abolish King of EU (Monde Diplomatique, November 2017 issue, Catalonia & a Universal Philosopher's 'Statue')

Johnatan Petterson internet.petterson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 19:08:22 PDT 2017

extract from Monde Diplo, see published article = this nov.
[[Dans ce contexte, le défi catalan, qui se présente comme un mouvement de
sécession, tire son énergie motrice du fossé creusé entre les Espagnols et
leurs institutions, d’un rejet de la corruption (pourtant aussi présente en
Catalogne qu’ailleurs), sans oublier une hostilité particulière aux
vestiges de l’absolutisme, encore nombreux en Espagne, où le roi, l’Église
et les « grands » demeurent les principaux propriétaires terriens du pays,
et à ce titre bénéficient des aides européennes au développement des
régions (1,85 million d’euros de subventions en 2003 pour feu la duchesse

don't you find this crazy ?? so is EU actually (it seems secretely)
supporting feodality !!

actually the EU lack of enthousiasm is organized, (or at the least) the
accusation of 'liberalism' and 'finance', and 'austerity' by some
philosophers, is actually convenient to feodality, and
organized. does this seem paradoxical a claim? no. it helps keep unchanged
the secret philosophy of this organization.
the 'order' described by Machiavelli.

philosophy has this capacity to 'see' the 'order(s)'. this is how , only
the philosophic mind is in the capacity to be called by (self) ' a
producer', only 'philosophers= those spirits seeing the order(s)' can
become productive. the workers only follow the move of society. and the
king stands transe-fixed at the center of EU. the pillar.

hence the decrease in value of the attribution of status to the 'producers',
because of a change 1) feodal, as been described on this list, a return to
feodality allowed by the attenuation of war time memory in our societies,
and, with. 2) molecularisation of the 'tools' of production.

the consequence sketched from it (in Le Monde Diplomatique this November ),
that we have to get a status of 'producers' everyone, after the right
declaration of 1789 copied/translated from the right to 'property', is
pertaining to the same movement of alzheimer in we, us, the collective

it belongs to the same 'social' function of politics (entertained by the
king of EU)  when they stand up against transcendental, the ideals or void
ghosts, such as finance.

instead than abolish monarchy, we learn that we subvention this ghastly
phantasmatic horror !

please stop this !
no more subvention, everything public !


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