[D-G] a lot of colors in April 1912

Liza Kozner liza_kozner at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 7 19:06:26 PST 2006

i thought it would be better to make things clearer.
  sometimes the way we are talking by short sentences makes us forget
  our native possibility of making use of a language that can be shared by anyone.
  then the question: why to use a language that can be shared by more than one user, or two. it's a deep question, and i need to think about it. 
  before giving a proper answer. if i send a sentence that can work for a group of people at the exclusion of an other group of people who canot decode it, then at the opposite, if anybody can have access to this language, it's totally different: the nature of languages changes. it's not only language, but the things that can be accessed by language. so i am not calling thus, for a common lingua or ur language, i am asking if it's possible we can have a language that makes everyone's access to those possibilities that we lay reachedable to or through this language. 
  usually i donot like language, and prefer cinema. but there i ask a question around language used here on the list as a tool for all.

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