[D-G]Plane of Reference: Limits and Constants in Maths: a message to harald

Liza Kozner liza_kozner at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Feb 22 15:08:46 PST 2005

Mathematic's Unconscious Proposition in Russel L.Carol

it's could be nice as you like mathematics and if you
could on the list talk in relation to your relation
for Deleuze as he elaborated the theory of functives
in mathematics "conceptually". (Do you like the way
for example are/is exposed the theory of sets and
limit definitions, in example x, "functive and
concepts", wip?) on the role attributed to the
"Limits" by Deleuze in Science's Plane of Reference.
Do you agree that Deleuze sets the idea of Cantor in a
light that you can appreciate it better than me
because I am a student in psychology, an illeterate in
Maths also?, and how did you like this way of Deleuze
to talk about Science and Mathematics, i n a
personality way?? Do you know that Inna Runova
Semetsky is a wonderful Peircian mathematician
subscriber on the drift-line list also. 
 "Dr. Harald Wenk" <hwenk at web.de> wrote: 
> Am Tue, 22 Feb 2005 06:59:50 -0800 schrieb Sylvie
> Ruelle  
> <sylvieruelle at earthlink.net>:

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