[D-G] cinema - originary world
Sylvie Ruelle
sylvieruelle at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 12 17:17:58 PST 2004
"The originary world does not oppose nature to the construction of
man: it is
oblivious to
this distinction, which is valid only in derived milieux. But, rising
between a milieux
which has not yet finished dying and another which does not succeed in
born, it
appropriates the remains of the former and outlines of the latter, to
make them
into it's
'morbid symptoms'... The originary world embraces futurism and
archaism. All
that is act
or gesture belongs to it, as to the mad master of the cliff. And, from
to depth,
along the sloping paths which are this time vertical, or the outside
to the
inside, the
originary world communicates with the derived milieux, both as
predator which
it's prey there and as parasite which hastens it's degredation. The
milieux is
the originary
house, just as the originary world is the wild region which overhangs
surrounds it."
Ms. Sylvie Ruelle
rw_artette_lc at yahoo.com
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